The Saboro Milk Story

Farm to Fork Process

collection process
transportation process
packaging process

The value proposition of Agri Business is to deliver Farm Tech Prosperity to farmers;
driving farmer prosperity through use of modern technology to improve farm productivity.

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We establish small size MCC so that our VLC Centres are within a small radius, enabling us to operate short routes to pick milk from each VLC Centre and transport it to MCC to chill instantly within 3-4 hours of collection at the villages. Each VLC Centre sample under goes organoleptic tests and other scientific grading process using Electronic Milk Analysers and Adulterants Testing Kit before it is accepted.

Clean milk production practices adopted by the Farmers, hygienic methods of milk testing & collection without manual intervention at the VLC and quick transportation system ensures that the milk is still fresh and with less bacterial load when it reaches the MCC. The instant chilling at MCC chills the milk down to 4 Deg C immediately, there by arresting the bacterial activity completely and hence retains the freshness, natural flavour and retains the nutrients intact in every drop of milk that is collected.

Our MBR time and SFC is the lowest at 1.5 hours and 20,000 SFC; well within specified FSSAI guidelines and indicative of the high standards we maintain in our milk production. Milks transported to the Dairy Plant for processing and manufacturing as per MQS defined standards and specifications at our ISO certified plant. Transportation of tamper-proof packs is done in insulated vehicles which continue to maintain the temperature of milk at 4 Deg C.

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